A choice of dissertation topics: make it wisely

As you brainstorm initial topics for your dissertation consider the following examples:

  • Are schools currently providing students with adequate chances to be creative?
  • What do students actually learn in school?
  • Are the arts important in education?
  • Does exercise (through gym class) help students to get better grades in their core classes?
  • How should schools improve the manner in which they discipline misbehaving students?
  • Should tracking devices be used for student ID’s?
  • Should illegal immigrant children be given public schooling?
  • How much group work is the right amount in school?
  • What is the best length for a school day?
  • What privacy restrictions should be associated with a student record?

When writing the dissertation, there are a few key items that will help you to stay focused and finish your project on time.

  1. Think of each of your chapters as individual essays that can stand alone if necessary. You want each chapter to of course tie into the overall thesis and work together but if they are alone should be able to stand. Keep an introduction and conclusion, which links to your overarching research question, in every chapter so that it can read like a short essay in and of itself.

  2. One of the easiest ways to picture your dissertation is like a river. Every one of your chapters is a tributary or stream that feeds the large river. That means your chapters will have an argument all their own, and they will go in their own direction, but they will contribute to the larger river water flow.

  3. As you write a chapter and finish the draft, read it over again and conduct any revisions. At this point, cut yourself off and move on. Limiting yourself to one redraft per chapter during the writing phase will prevent you from becoming bogged down and unable to push through to the next section.

  4. Make sure that you write references according to the format required for your paper. Start this from the very beginning. You will thank yourself if you do this throughout the process of research and writing.

  5. Finally, remember your word count at all times. Do not leave information in your paper that is not relevant. You will find it much easier to add information later compared to having to cut down a chapter you spent long hours completing.

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