How To Create A Strong Dissertation Topic? - Guide To Persuasive Thesis Writing


Choosing a dissertation topic is not an easy task. While there are thousands of resources available to guide a student in choosing a topic as per his particular area of study, creating a topic that is both strong and persuasive is very important. For this, it is extremely important that a student knows his area of expertise and interest and is able to relate to the topic in the most prolific fashion.

Ways to create a strong and persuasive Topic:

    The first and foremost thing that any student must do is to prepare a list marking his strong and weak areas of study. This will help him in understanding his particular interest areas. Now choosing such an interest area is no mean feat. To avoid confusion, it is necessary to focus on certain things:

  • Look for topics that are interesting. Usually any work of dissertation needs more than eight months to complete. In this case, if the topic does not interest the student, he will naturally not be able to pay necessary attention.

  • Choose an area that falls in the current field of education: This means that a student will not have to waste extra time going through notes that he has no clue about. Also, before plunging in to take any available topic that takes his interest, a student must first select the area and then a topic that falls under it.

  • Focus on issues pertaining specifically to the field of study: This will make sure that a student is able to find someone working in that particular field with a similar or different argument and will be able to highlight it in his dissertation work. Issues must be chosen with their problem solving ability in mind. They play a key role in making your work strong.

  • Manage time: Dissertation works have a fixed time frame and hence one cannot go on doing his research work forever. Keeping this in mind, such a topic should be chosen that can be researched within the given period of time.

It can be said that a topic must be chosen keeping in mind two things- the interest of the student in that particular area and whether or not the topic is strong enough to sustain criticism and counter agreements.

While selecting a persuasive topic should not take much time, one must always ensure that it is clear and consistent and is able to establish itself as a strong work.


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