What Are Public Administration Thesis Topics

Without governments, institutions and other organizing principles there would be little hope for any kind of civil society of the sophistication that we are used to in the contemporary world.  As the world becomes an increasingly global community the necessity for unifying legislation becomes imperative.  From the highest authority to the ground level, civil servants and administrators ensure that the day-to-day operations of various governing bodies run smoothly so that society can continue to function and, ideally , progress.  The study of Public Administration is concerned with the pragmatic and theoretical aspects of organizational effectiveness.  The following is a brief description of the various themes to consider if you choose to write your thesis in Public Administration studies.

The Scope of Public Administration

  • The study of Public Administration is essential to improving the quality and efficacy of civil service and legislature.  This can apply not only to the government but any institution with administrative requirements such as educational establishments, corporate structures or even non-profit organizations.

  • Primarily, Public Administration is about effective management.  Any organization is made up of a body of people and a limited amount of resources aimed at achieving specific goals.  Effective management means developing, implementing and reviewing organizational procedures that will ensure the highest potential benefit to all involved without operating beyond the available means.

  • Financial concerns will often fall under the scope of Public Administration.  Money, whether it be from taxes, donations or remuneration, is a scarce resource, which needs to be controlled through carefully planned and monitored budgets.  

  • As a multi-disciplinary subject, a student of Public Administration can draw from research in a number of different fields.  For example, research into the effects of Globalization and Employment can include studies in economics, sociology, politics, geography and environmental studies or any other relevant area.

  • A large part of Public Administration studies focuses on the human element i.e. ethics in organizations and human resources.  Governments provide a service to their citizens and are held accountable for their performance, like any other institution.  The treatment of employees and the satisfaction of citizens in general is an important area of concern.  The study of effective leadership qualities, styles and patterns also falls under the scope of Public Administration.

  • The study of policymaking in Public Administration involves examining and understanding how decisions are made from a scientific standpoint.  This is pivotal in developing innovative ways to make more efficacious policies that benefit the public.

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